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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Jaunveide un uzņēmējdarbība

Jaunveide ir tulkojums no angļu valodas ENPREPRENEURSHIP. Jaunveide pārsvarā tiek realizēta uzņēmējdarbībā. Tomēr jaunveide ir daudz plašāka kategorija nekā uzņēmējdarbība - jaunveide nereti notiek ārpus uzņēmējdarbības.

Ziņojums "Entrepreneurial Foresight Network: Learning by Doing" tika sniegts starptautiskajā konferencē "Baltic Dynamics, Innovation and Development of Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship" Rīgā, 2004. gada 10. septembrī..

Izvilkums no ziņojuma (word formāts):
We apply the following notions to the project framework and elements.
is the mindset and process to create and develop economic activity by blending risk-taking, creativity and/or innovation with sound management, within a new or an existing organisation;
can occur in any sector and type of business. It applies to the self-employed and to firms of any size throughout the various stages of the business life-cycle, from pre-start to growth, transfer or exit and re-start;
is relevant for firms in all sectors, technological or traditional, for small and large firms and for different ownership structures, such as family businesses, firms quoted on the stock exchange, social economy enterprises or non-profit-driven organisations, which often have significant economic activities.
Source: Green Paper Entrepreneurship in Europe (presented by European Commission). Document based on COM(2003) 27 final. Brussels, 21.01.2003.
The project "Latvia towards Knowledge Societies of Europe: new options for entrepreneurship and employment achieving the goals of the Lisbon strategy" (LNELS) background presentation: pps format

Entrepreneurship = uzņēmīgums un jaunrade = JAUNVEIDE

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